Nothing ever the same.
With time comes change.
Not a moment in another's reign
Time where time passed.
Slipping winding clock faded.
Where memories lost or last
Memories vague truth.
Where tradition uproots.
How we outlive youth.
Nothing the same
With time comes change.
A moment time elapsed.
I am hoping this is my final revision. I will probably proof it it a few days only to make small corrections. I can never proof read immediately as I have a habit of reading what I want to be there not what is. May be I should right something about recent memory.
Nothing is ever the same with time comes change.
Never a moment where another moment doesn't reign.
Only time where time has passed.
Slipping down winding away everything fades for only memories last.
Our minds capture the moments not as they were but how we wished them to be.
Moments truly lost to a slightly different memory.
Nothing is ever the same with time comes change.
Never a moment where another moment doesn't reign, in time passed.
This is one of the first things I've written. The original rough draft is below. (2nd Revision)
Nothing is ever the same with time comes change.
Never is there a moment where another moment doesn't reign, always time where time has passed. Slipping down winding away everything fades as the past grows further away in our memories moments are kept of everyday.
In our lives our minds hold time for the events we keep dear to our hearts.
Moments may pass only in our thoughts can we make them last.
Nothing is ever the same with time comes change.
Never is there a moment where another moment doesn't reign, always times where time has passed.
In this case I definitely think revisions added meaning to my original thoughts. I had that initial rush to get the words down on paper and then went back and really thought about my purpose. There is a slight variation to the words repeated at the end. The intent is to demonstrate the perpetual passing of time.
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