I found an old composition book today. It wasn't the one I was looking for but it sparked a moment of reflection. The composition book was an assignment from my Communications teacher. The book was full of names that I had long since forgotten. Shoot, I could barely remember taking the class. Reflecting back I could put some hazy faces to some of the names but I had lost 75% of that experience.
Ironically I can clearly remember meandering around smoking a cigarette while stepping across railroad ties during a conversation with other students. I was doing a lot the talking but I was looking at the ground as I spanned from one rail road tie to the other. It's funny. Right outside the doors to the class I was failing my lesson by being a real conversational fuck-up. Should I retake Communications?
It strikes me that most days are forgotten. We pass over so much information most of our lives are lost to our minds. A critic would say our lives are lost to monotony but our lives are full of events. We live in a constantly changing environment. I think in a large part ambition comes from the desire to remain present in the minds of people never meet. Within the limits of life many aim to be remembered. I want to have moments I remember, to truly live while I am living. How does your ambition manifest?
PS: I will get some scribblings up once I find my composition pad.
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